Lose 5kg Weight In One Week - Is This Real?

How to lose 5 kg quickly in a week? Many women and girls are interested in similar questions. Living at our modern pace, all beauties want to achieve quick results in no time. Without a doubt, every girl is happy to have lost 5 kg in one week.

Expert Reviews on Fast Weight Loss

In general, is it possible to lose so much weight during this period? Of course it's possible, but it's quite difficult, both psychologically and physically.

Doctors say that if a girl lost 5 kg in a week, the weight will soon return, it is difficult to maintain the result and a radical restructuring of the diet will be necessary. Therefore, doctors advise to resort as little as possible to all types of diets. After all, they won't do good. The exception is people who are often overweight and obese. But they must also lose weight slowly.

Usually women think about the fact that they need to lose 5 kg in a week, before some significant event, the celebration. But in this case, be careful not to harm your health.

vegetables for weight loss in 5 kg per week

If a girl has lost 5 kg in one week, but at the same time she hasn't resorted to any diet or sport, then you should pay attention to her lifestyle. Sometimes, stressful situations cause sudden weight loss or, conversely, gain.

Diets: contraindications

If a friend has lost 5 kg in a week and is feeling fine, it doesn't mean that everything will be the same for her. Let's look at the contraindications, the reasons why you should not resort to such diets. They are prohibited for those suffering from pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and diabetes (both types). People suffering from vascular disease, heart disease, gastritis should be careful to apply this type of diet.

I would also like to talk about our children. How to lose 5 kg per week for a teenager? If this is worth doing, it needs to be carefully thought through. After all, it is not recommended to torture a still fragile body with diets. Therefore, you must weigh the pros and cons before deciding on such actions. After all, a teenager will soon become an adult, which means he will change and is very likely to lose weight naturally.

Don't believe in a miracle cure. Losing weight by 5 kg per week can only be very limited by the amount of calories consumed and, of course, the addition of significant physical activity. But this effect is harmful for the body, even for a completely healthy one. Although, as doctors say, it doesn't. Every person has some kind of health problem.

mono diets

How to lose 5 kg in 1 week? Fast days (mono-diets) will help.

I would like to note that, after a mono-diet, you should not eat sweet, fried, starchy foods for several days (and it is better to refuse entirely). Otherwise, the lost pounds will come back.

What foods (individually, of course) can be used in a mono diet? Cereals, watermelons, bananas, cabbage, dried fruits, buckwheat, kefir, oats and others. For now, let's take a look at some good mono diets as an example. By the way, to make the weight loss process easier, you can alternate fasting days every other day.

Apple diet for those who love fruit and want to lose a few extra pounds

These fast days help you lose weight by up to ten pounds, and not even in a week, but in three days. For this diet, you should choose sweet and juicy fruits. It is desirable that they are local. You need to eat apples a day (no more than 1. 5 kg). The number of meals is four, the last is at 20: 00. Nutritionists also advise adding 100 grams of animal protein per day to the diet. For example, it can be chicken, egg, white fish or low-fat cottage cheese.

cottage cheese for weight loss at 5 kg per week

This supplement will keep you feeling good without harming your body. Better to eat not fresh but baked apples. Eliminate tea, coffee and soda on apple diet days. It is best to drink only water during this period.

The girl who resisted the apple diet said she lost 5 kg in one week. Others say that a similar nutritional system helped them lose seven pounds over the same period.

A cucumber diet for those who love vegetables

It is suitable for summer. There are two options for this diet.

vegetable salad for weight loss per week for 5 kg

Let's take a look at the first one first. The main course is a salad of coarsely chopped cucumbers and herbs. Seasoned with sour cream. It is also complemented by a slice of black bread. During a diet, weight loss eats three times a day. The first meal is from 12 to 13, the second - from 16 to 18. The person must have dinner from seven to eight at night. Only one apple is allowed at night.

The next diet option is a little different. The main course is again a cucumber salad. But it needs to be filled with sunflower oil. Divide the entire salad into five meals. At lunch and dinner, you are also allowed to eat one chicken egg each (of course, one stew). There are no other additions.

Curd unloading: three options

Cottage cheese is low in calories but rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. There are several options for this type of diet. The first option is just cottage cheese in the diet (about a pound a day). Every three hours you need to eat two hundred grams.

cottage cheese for weight loss for a week 5 kg

The second option is 100 grams of cottage cheese every four hours. Each portion is supplemented with bran. Pour two teaspoons of bran into boiling water. Drain after half an hour. You can add a little honey to a portion of cottage cheese.

There is another option. You need to eat five times a day. Each reception consists of a glass of kefir and 120 grams of cottage cheese.

Lose weight by 5 kg in a week? Exercise will help!

It is necessary to exercise daily (duration - twenty minutes).

Stretching exercises are helpful.

Also do a complex of crunches and crunches (about thirty times).

Then skip rope for twenty minutes at night. If you have the strength, these exercises can be increased to thirty minutes.

Then rotate the bow for about half an hour. This activity can be combined with viewing your favorite movie.

You can also visit the sauna or bath. They will help clean out toxins. If you have heart problems, you must refuse to go to the bath.

It is now clear how to lose 5 kg in a week. The exercises and guidelines below and above will help you lose weight. Also, the result will remain for a long time.

Estonian Diet for Those Not Afraid of Severe Restrictions

How to lose 5 kg quickly in a week? The diet we are going to consider will help you fulfill your desires. The nutritional system provides rapid weight loss. If a girl has lost 5 kg in one week on this diet then this is an excellent result. I would like to note that this diet should not be repeated more than once every six months. Let's take a look at the menu.

  • Day one: six eggs (small chicken).
  • doughy cottage cheese for weight loss at 5 kg per week
  • Day two: a pound of cottage cheese (choose the least greasy one).
  • Day three: three hundred grams of cooked filet.
  • Day four: rice (boil 100 g of dry cereal in one liter of water).
  • Day five: unpeeled boiled potatoes (six pieces).
  • 5 kg of potatoes to lose weight in a week
  • Day six: a kilo of apples.
  • Seventh day: a liter and a half of kefir.

Slimming Wrap with Powdered Green Tea

If a girl lost 5 kg in one week, it doesn't mean she didn't eat anything. Most likely, of course, the diet was poor, but she also used multiple wraps. Such procedures perfectly correct the figure. Now let's look at a recipe for a composition. If you prepare this remedy and apply it to problem areas previously treated with an exfoliant, you can get good results.

To prepare an anti-cellulite composition, you need:

  • boiling water (a little);
  • five tablespoons. I. green tea powder;
  • two teaspoons (of course, in powder);
  • 2 tbsp. I. natural honey (flower).

Pour boiling water over the powder (finish porridge), add honey and cinnamon. Then mix everything and let it cool to 40 degrees. Then apply the mixture on your body.

Then wrap the necessary parts of the body with plastic wrap. Then change into warm clothing, such as a bathrobe or sweatshirt pajamas. After fifty minutes, wash the composition with warm water. Then spread the anti-cellulite cream on your body. These procedures will help in the fight against being overweight.

angela diet

You can lose 5 kg a week on this diet. This nutritional system will change your metabolism. During the angel diet, you need massage in addition to exercise.

a lettuce leaf for weight loss by 5 kg per week

The first day:

  • breakfast: black coffee (no additives);
  • lunch: eggs (2 pcs. ), tomato and green salad;
  • dinner: steak fried in oil (small amount).

Second day:

  • breakfast: same as the first day, and a crouton;
  • lunch: steak fried in oil + green salad + a tomato;
  • dinner: soup (one serving).

The third day:

  • breakfast: medium toasted bread and black coffee;
  • lunch: steak fried in pressure oil and green salad;
  • dinner: lean ham (two slices) and 2 eggs.
food intake for weight loss per week in 5 kg

Fourth day:

  • breakfast: croutons and unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch: cheese, egg, carrot (or tomato);
  • dinner: kefir (one glass), fruit salad.

The fifth day:

  • breakfast: carrots (grated) with lemon;
  • lunch: a tomato (or a medium carrot), fish (one serving), pressure fried;
  • dinner: steak with green salad.

Sixth day:

  • breakfast: same as the second day;
  • lunch: green salad, chicken (one serving), fried without fat;
  • dinner: green salad and a large steak.
green tea for weight loss per week on 5 kg

Seventh day:

  • breakfast: herbal or green tea without additives;
  • lunch: lean meat + green salad;
  • dinner: your choice (but not too much).


There is another simple diet that will help you lose those extra ten pounds. It's called kefir. The main product is 1% fat kefir. There are three types of diet. But they are all united by three principles:

  • the duration of all these diets is exactly seven days;
  • the main product is kefir, supplemented by certain low-calorie carbohydrates and protein products;
  • a clear schedule (six meals at equal intervals of time, the last being at most two hours before bedtime).

In some regimens, the kefir diet provides for fluid restriction to 500 ml of kefir per day. But doctors advise avoiding such a diet. It can cause dehydration and lead to irreversible consequences. During a kefir diet, you should give up salt, tea, sugar and coffee. You can drink herbal tea, pure water without restrictions.

First, we'll look at a basic kefir diet for a week.

  • On the first day, the diet consists of roasted potatoes (four hundred grams) and five hundred ml of kefir (1% fat).
  • The second day - five hundred ml of 1% kefir + low-fat cottage cheese (400 grams).
  • The third is kefir (the same amount) and 400 grams of fruit (bananas and grapes should not be consumed).
  • The fourth - 400 grams of chicken breast and kefir (amount as on the first day).
  • The fifth day diet is the same as the third day.
  • The sixth day - just water (a liter and a half).
  • The seventh day is exactly the same as the fifth.

Two diets: "hungry" and with protein

A protein kefir diet is built according to the same scheme as the standard diet (the first kefir), but two days of fruit is replaced by protein foods (for example, it could be chicken fillet or lean meat), it should also be 400 grams per day.

kefir for weight loss at 5 kg per week

There is also a "starvation" diet. The amount of kefir per day increases to two liters. The additional food portion, on the other hand, is reduced from 400 to 100 grams.

apples + kefir

This is the strictest diet. Not suitable for people with high stomach acidity.

Daily menu: six apples and the same amount of kefir glasses. How many meals does the diet involve? Six, of course.

There is another diet variant: for three days you only drink kefir (a liter and a half a day) and for three days you only drink apples (up to a kilo and a half a day). The last day, again, is kefir. You should also drink water throughout your diet.

Apples can be grated, it is allowed to mix them with kefir. You can also bake, but never add sugar. If you want something sweet, add a spoon of honey. But don't get carried away.

a small conclusion

It is now clear how to lose 5 kg in a week. Photos of dishes and products featured in the article will help you choose the right food option for you. But don't forget about other procedures, such as bandages, for example, in addition to physical activity. These activities will help even more in the fight against being overweight. Be sure to consult your doctor before dieting, especially strict ones.